EquALL: Our first Trans-national project meeting

EquALL: Our first Trans-national project meeting

EquALL: Our first Trans-national project meeting 602 463 Athletes Inspire Children

Finally on the move

Hello everyone!

We have some news to share about the equALL project. Our first Transnational Project Meeting took place in Thessaloniki, Greece, on April 21-22, and it was great!

After the online work from the first mont, finally we could meet each other for the first time. The project partners, Youthorama from Greece and AIC Athletes Inspire Children from Germany, came together to discuss our upcoming actions. Here’s what we talked about:

Surveys in the Fan Zones of EURO 2024 and the Paralympic Games in Paris: We’re gearing up to conduct surveys in the Fan Zones of these major sports events. Our goal is to assess the level of inclusion and accessibility for people with disabilities.

Volunteer Preparation: We planned how to organize and train our volunteers. Their support will be crucial for the success of our activities and for collecting data to improve inclusion in sports.

equALL Project Goals: We also revisited our main goals, reaffirming our commitment to equal opportunities, inclusion, and diversity in sports.

The experiences

Getting to Know Youthorama

Aside from our productive discussions, we had the chance to see the amazing work Youthorama is doing in Greece. We attended an inclusive event at the Panorama Town Hall with many schools participating. It was inspiring to see how they promote the inclusion of children with disabilities through sports, putting us ALL in their shoes.

The Arrival of the Olympic Flame

One of the highlights of our visit was witnessing the arrival of the Olympic flame in Thessaloniki. Despite the initial rain, the sky cleared just as the flame reached the promenade, revealing a brilliant blue backdrop with Mount Olympus in the distance. This magical moment reminded us why we do what we do: SPORTS HAVE THE POWER TO BRING PEOPLE TOGETHER.

The 1st Trans-national project meeting

What’s Next?

We left Thessaloniki ready to move forward. Here are some of the next steps for the equALL project:

  • Implementation of Surveys: We’ll be finalizing the details for our surveys and preparing for their deployment in the Fan Zones of EURO 2024 in Germany and the Paralympic Games in Paris. These surveys will help us gather essential data on inclusion and accessibility.
  • Volunteer Training: Our volunteers will undergo training to ensure they are well-prepared to conduct the surveys and engage with the public effectively. Their role is vital in capturing accurate and insightful feedback.
  • Community Engagement: We’ll continue to engage with local communities through events and activities that promote inclusion and diversity in sports. Look out for upcoming events where you can participate and support our mission.