Instagram Live with some of the best handball players

Athletes Inspire Children

Instagram Live with some of the best handball players

Instagram Live with some of the best handball players 2048 1241 Athletes Inspire Children

Wetzlar (Germany) – Jul. 2020

During the months in which due to the pandemic we have not been able to train in person, we have temporarily pivoted our services to be able to continue contributing something to our community. In March we came up with the idea to start doing live interviews via Instagram with some of the best handball players, who are also part of our community.

The result was great and almost every week we had the opportunity to get to know them more closely and discuss with them topics that they might not have the opportunity to discuss when they are in competition.

Another experience that I hope our community enjoyed. Now let’s hope that the situation will improve and that after the holidays we will be able to resume face-to-face activities with the young people.